NOTE: Some details may alter as circumstances change, so keep looking [updated 29/03/2018]
Start at Bridgwater Canal Lock - End at Burrowbridge Bridge
Indicative Route:
Directions from Bridgwater canal lock:
From start by footbridge run along access road with canal on LHS.
0.09k ♦ Beware traffic and pedestrians
Follow canalside footpath forking off to left where access road becomes proper road.
0.44k ♦ While on towpath generally try to keep away from bank edge but watch out for your head where brick arches curve outward toward water. Beware pedestrians.
Stay on towpath, pass under concrete and brick arch bridge No.1 [Victoria Road].
0.11k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Pass under skewed brick arch bridge No.2 [Wembdon Road].
0.29k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Pass through brick arch tunnel/bridge No.3 [West St] into propped retaining wall cutting.
0.12k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Pass under brick arch bridge No.4 [Albert Street].
0.54k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Pass under pedestrianised brick arch bridge No.5 [Near Browne's Pond].
0.15k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Pass under brick arch bridge No.6 [Taunton Road].
0.12k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Stay on towpath, pass under brick arch bridge No.7 [Old Taunton Road].
0.79k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Stay on towpath, pass under brick arch bridge No.8 [____________].
0.67k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Pass swingbridge and follow towpath with canal on LHS.
0.40k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Pass under large concrete bridge [M5].
0.11k ♦ Beware pedestrians,fishermen and dogs
Cross swing bridge to other bank and follow towpath with canal on RHS.
0.87k ♦ Beware traffic on bridge, with pedestrians and fishermen on towpath
Stay on towpath, pass under girder and jack arch bridge No.__ [Huntworth Lane].
1.79k ♦ Mind your head on the bridge and keep away from water's edge
At swing bridge go left from canal, shortly crossing railway bridge, following road ahead.
0.69k ♦ Beware traffic and pedestrians
Leave road at sweeping 90 degree RHbend, going through wooden kissing gate on path. Go straight ahead through gates and across fields.
0.33k ♦ Footing can be uneven if animals have used fields
At riverside road turn right, passing pub [don't be tempted!] and following road.
0.79k ♦ Beware traffic, road can seem quite busy for a small carriageway
At grass triangle junction bear left following river and shortly climb path onto bank.
0.86k ♦ Beware farm dogs [and probably farmer] in lane before climbing bank and following river
At small 'T' junction reached after path becomes tarred, stay on road following river.
0.21k ♦ Beware traffic, road can seem quite busy for a small carriageway
Follow road at sweeping 90 degree RHbend, going away from river.
0.70k ♦ Continue to be wary and aware of traffic.
Road reaches junction with A361 at Burrowbridge, turn left for handover on bridge.
0.05k ♦ Caution, path is narrow, be carefully of pedestrians and fellow runners.
Handover point for leg is on river bridge on path side [downstream]
♦ Adopt air of calm, watch traffic lights & help next runner cross road safely
Additional information:
Near, but not immediately by, the start of this leg there is some on street parking in the road approaching the dock area from the roundabout
at the junction of Lyndale Avenue and Coleridge Road. There may also be spaces in these and other adjacent roads.
Please use due consideration and try not to block driveways or space obviously use by residents.
Alternatively, there are numerous public car parks within a short walking distance, the nearest of which are in Mount Street.
Parking is very limited near to Burrowbridge bridge. We have not made any special arrangements to use either the nearby hall parking, or that for the pub [but if you are a customer, then normal arrangements would apply]. Where practicable, please use room in other local roads carefully to avoid clogging the carriageway or blocking residents driveways etc.
The 'Mump' just to the east and accessed by a convenient footpath is well worth a visit on its own merits and for fantastic views of the surrounding countryside as well as for spotting approaching runners. It is operated by the National Trust, has its own car park and is free to visit.
Quick links to other pages:
Overview of event | ||||
Relay 1 | Leg 1 | Leg 2 | Leg 3 | Leg 4 |
Relay 2 | Leg 5 | Leg 6 | Leg 7 | Leg 8 |
Risk assessment |