Club Championship 2019

NB: Latest results attached at bottom of this page



Chard Flyer Montecute Parkrun Slay the Dragon The Big Cheese Yeovil Half   Glastonbury 10k Town Tree Trail Piddle Wood Plod 10k Martock 10k Forde Abbey 10k   Yeovilton 5k *Bridport Jurassic Coast Run *Bridport Jurassic Coast Run Battle of Sedgemore 10km   Ash Excellent 8 Mells Scenic 7 Montecute Parkrun Herepath Half Bicton Blister
Jan 1st Jan 27th Feb 25th Mar 11th Mar 25th   May 6th May 16th June 10th June 17th June 28th   July 11th Aug 12th Aug 12th Aug 26th   Sept 9th Sept 23rd Oct 14th Oct 28th End Nov TBC
PR-PB point In Som. Series   In Som. Series In Som. Series In Som. Series   In Som. Series   In Som. Series In Som. Series PR-PB point In Som. Series
Age Graded PB point   PB point PB Point   PB Point 10k Half mara PB Point   Age Graded Age Graded


Points scoring:                        
  At most events the first person to finish within each gender age category gets 30 points. The 2nd to finish gets 29 etc.      
  Your highest 5 scores for the year are added up for the championship within each gender age category.        
  There is also a "10 highest event scores" competition - with all other rules unchanged from the 5 event version.      
  There are only 1 female and 1 male winner of this prize. Points are taken from age gender categories however.      
2 age graded Parkruns:                        
  Finish position will be based on highest Age grade %. (Assuming results continue being published with age grade%)      
PB Point:                          
  Anyone achieving a PB, (only looking back to last 2 and a bit years (ie since 1st Jan 2016) gets a bonus point in specified events.  
  If it is the first time you have completed this distance in that time then that is a PB.          
  This is added to your Top 5 scores.                    
Parkrun PB Point:                        
  According to parkrun rules and results. Ie. It needs to be flagged as a "PB" on the Parkrun results to secure +1 bonus point.  [Location specific]
Additional events:                        
  For each extra event you complete, over 5, you earn an extra point, up to a maximum of 3 extra.        
  This is added to your Top 5 scores.                    
FYI:  Somerset Series:                        
  8 Somerset Series races are included.                    
  This has no bearing on scores etc but encourage you to take part in that too.            
*Bridport Jurassic  Coast Run                      
  At this event  there are 2 distances on offer - 10k and half marathon.              
  Both events are in the championship, as if they were separate events.            
Download this file (crc championship 3.11.19.pdf)crc championship 3.11.19.pdf[ ]127 kB