Ham to Lyme Reccee Run

Thank you to Darren Frost for organising the reccee run of the final leg of the upcoming Ham to Lyme 50/100K event taking place in July.

This morning's run followed the Liberty Trail from Thorncombe to Lyme Regis, a distance of approximately 11.5 miles.

With a strong contingent of 10 runners and dog we set off from Thorncombe at 8:30AM with fine but breezy weather conditions.

This is predominantly off-road route, with a few steep but manageable ascents, the greatest being that up to Lamberts Castle. The views over the Dorset countryside from here on are amazing. We rearked upon how rewarding the views from these high tops will be on the day, particularly knowing that the greatest distnace is behind us and the end is in sight.

We must acknowledge the awesome feat that Nick Sale will be undertaking, running 100K covering the route there and back!

Thanks also to Andy Dickinson for the following photos. Hopefully we will have many photos on the day.
